% Environments
\newcommand{\al}[1]{\begin{align}#1\end{align}} % need this for \tag{} to work
\renewcommand{\r}{\mathrm} % BAD!! does cursed things with accents :((
% Delimiters
% (I needed to create my own because the MathJax version of \DeclarePairedDelimiter doesn't have \mathopen{} and that messes up the spacing)
% .. one-part
\newcommand{\p}[1]{\mathopen{}\left( #1 \right)}
\renewcommand{\b}[1]{\mathopen{}\left[ #1 \right]}
\newcommand{\set}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\{ #1 \right\}}
\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lvert #1 \right\rvert}
\newcommand{\floor}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lfloor #1 \right\rfloor}
\newcommand{\ceil}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lceil #1 \right\rceil}
\newcommand{\inner}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lVert #1 \strut \right\rVert}
\newcommand{\mix}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lfloor #1 \right\rceil}
%% .. two-part
\newcommand{\inco}[2]{#1 \mathop{}\middle|\mathop{} #2}
\newcommand{\co}[2]{ {\left.\inco{#1}{#2}\right.}}
\newcommand{\cond}{\co} % deprecated
\newcommand{\at}[2]{ {\left.#1\strut\right|_{#2}}}
\newcommand{\para}[2]{#1\strut \mathop{}\middle\|\mathop{} #2}
% Greek
% the following cause issues with real LaTeX tho :/ maybe consider naming it \fhi instead?
\let\fi\phi % because it looks like an f
\let\phi\varphi % because it looks like a p
% Miscellaneous
% .. operators
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\thinspace min}
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\thinspace max}
% .. functions
% .. analysis
\newcommand{\df}[2]{ {\f{\d #1}{\d #2}}}
\newcommand{\ds}[2]{ {\sl{\d #1}{\d #2}}}
\newcommand{\ddf}[3]{ {\f{\dd{#1} #2}{\p{\d #3}^{#1}}}}
\newcommand{\dds}[3]{ {\sl{\dd{#1} #2}{\p{\d #3}^{#1}}}}
\newcommand{\partf}[2]{\f{\part #1}{\part #2}}
\newcommand{\parts}[2]{\sl{\part #1}{\part #2}}
% .. sets
\newcommand{\Rge}{\R_{\ge 0}}
\newcommand{\Rgt}{\R_{> 0}}
\newcommand{\pmo}{\set{\pm 1}}
\newcommand{\zpmo}{\set{0,\pm 1}}
% .... set operations
\newcommand{\inc}[1]{\union \set{#1}} % "including"
\newcommand{\exc}[1]{\setminus \set{#1}} % "except"
% .. over and under
\newcommand{\tld}{\widetilde} % deprecated
\newcommand{\HAT}{\widehat} % deprecated
\newcommand{\rt}[1]{ {\sqrt{#1}}}
% .... two-part
\renewcommand{\sl}[2]{#1 /\mathopen{}#2}
% .. arrows
% .. operators and relations
\newcommand{\OX}[1]{^{\ox #1}}
% .. punctuation and spacing
% Levels of closeness
% .. vanilla versions (is it within a constant?)
% .. dotted versions (is it equal in the limit?)
% .. log versions (is it equal up to log?)
% Logic and bit operations
\DeclareMathOperator{\1}{\mathbb{1}} % use \mathbbm instead if using real LaTeX
% Linear algebra
\newcommand{\spn}{\mathrm{span}} % do NOT use \span because it causes misery with amsmath
% .. named tensors
\newcommand{\namedtensorstrut}{\vphantom{fg}} % milder than \mathstrut
\newcommand{\name}[1]{\mathsf{\namedtensorstrut #1}}
\newcommand{\nbin}[2]{\mathbin{\underset{\substack{#1}}{\namedtensorstrut #2}}}
% Probability
% .. operators
% ... information theory
% .. other divergences
% Complexity classes
% .. keywords
% .. classical
% .. probabilistic
% .. circuits
% .. resources
% .. custom
% Boolean analysis
% \newcommand{\Exp}[1]{\operatorname{E}_{#1}\mathopen{}}
\DeclareMathOperator{\CDT}{\mathrm{CDT}} % canonical
\DeclareMathOperator{\PDT}{\mathrm{PDT}} % partial decision tree
% .. functions (small caps sadly doesn't work)
% Dynamic optimality
% Alignment
% In "text"
% remove these last two if using real LaTeX
% Fonts
% .. bold
% .. calligraphic
% .. typewriter
Adapted from scribe notes by Gabriel Cadamuro for Mark Braverman’s Fall 2011 “COS 597D: Information theory in computer science” class at Princeton.
Consider a function $f : X \times Y \to \zo$ (we’ll mostly think of $X = Y = \zo^n$). Suppose Alice has an input $x \in X$ and Bobo has an input $y \in Y$. How many bits do Alice and Bob need to communicate to each other in order to compute $f(x,y)$? Denote this as $D(f)$.
We can view a protocol as a binary tree, where each node is a function of only $x$ or only $y$, and the protocol takes the left or right branch based on the value of that function. Then $D(f)$ is the smallest depth of any such tree.
Each leaf in this tree corresponds to a (disjoint) monochromatic rectangle of $X \times Y$: a product set $S \times T \subseteq X \times Y$ such that:
- either $f(x,y) = 0$ for all $(x,y) \in S \times T$,
- or $f(x,y) = 1$ for all $(x,y) \in S \times T$.
Equivalently, we can think of the matrix $M_f$ such that $(M_f)_{x,y} \coloneqq f(x,y)$, and think of $0$ as “white” and $1$ as “black”. Then, monochromatic rectangles are submatrices (restrictions to certain rows and columns) where each cell has the same color.
If we can show that any partition of $M_f$ into monochromatic rectangles takes $\geq 2^t$ rectangles, then $D(f) \geq t$.
Fooling sets
One easy way to show that many monochromatic rectangles are needed is to exhibit a “fooling set”: a set $F \sse X \times Y$ such that no two cells in $F$ can be in the same rectangle.
Let $f(x,y) \coloneqq \One[x = y]$. Then $M_f$ is an identity matrix of dimension $2^n$.
Clearly, $M_f$ cannot be partitioned into fewer than $2^n$ monochromatic rectangles. In fact, there must at least be $2^n$ black rectangles. Indeed, we know that $(x,x)$ is black for all $x$, and on the other hand we can’t put two distinct black points $(x,x)$ and $(y,y)$ in the same rectangle: if they were, then $(x,y)$ would also be included, but $(x,y)$ is white.
Therefore, $D(f) \geq n$. In fact, we can improve this to $D(f) \geq n+1$ by observing that there must also be at least one white rectangle (if $n>1$, at least).
Hamming weight comparison
Let $f(x,y) \coloneqq \One[|x| \geq |y|]$ (where $|x|$ denotes the Hamming weight of $x$). Then if you group together inputs with the same Hamming weight, $M_f$ looks like a triangular matrix.
We’ll show that a partition of $M_f$ into monochromatic rectangles must have at least $n+1$ rectangles. First, define the inputs $x^{(i)} \ce 0^{n-i}1^i$ for $i=0,\ldots, n$. Clearly $|x^{(i)}| = i$. Now, we claim that for any $i<j$, $(x^{(i)},x^{(i)})$ and $(x^{(j)},x^{(j)})$ cannot be in the same rectangle. Indeed, they’re both black, whereas $(x^{(i)}, x^{(j)})$ is white, since $|x^{(i)}| < |x^{(j)}|$.
Therefore, $D(f) \geq \log(n+1)$.
Observe that unlike in the equality example, here we couldn’t have used the “other corner” $(x^{(j)},x^{(i)})$.
Set disjointness
This time, we’ll think of the inputs $x$ and $y$ instead as sets $A,B \subseteq [n]$. We define the set disjointness function to be true if $A$ and $B$ intersect: $f(A,B) \coloneqq \One[A \cap B \neq \emptyset]$.
We’ll show that there must be at least $2^n$ white rectangles, but we need to be a bit more clever than in the previous two cases. Concretely, we’ll consider white points of the form $(A, \comp{A})$ for some $A \sse [n]$: all pairs of sets that are “barely” disjoint. We claim that no two distinct points $(A, \comp{A})$ and $(B, \comp{B})$ can be in a rectangle together. To prove this, it suffices to show that either $A$ intersects $\comp{B}$, or $B$ intersects $\comp{A}$, which we do by picture: every element of $[n]$ must fit in this picture somewhere, so if the two highlighted regions below were both empty, then $A$ would be equal to $B$.
Thus $D(f) \geq n$.
An algebraic proof: inner product
Let $f(x,y) \coloneqq \One[x \cdot y \equiv 1 \pmod{2}]$.
This time, we’ll use a different technique: we’ll show that no white rectangle $S \times T$ can contain more than $2^n$ total cells, i.e. $|S \times T| \leq 2^n$. Since there are $2^{2n-1}$ white cells in total, this shows that at least $2^{n-1}$ rectangles are needed, and thus $D(f) \geq n-1$.
Take some white rectangle $S \times T$. Being white means that $S$ and $T$ are orthogonal in $\F_2^n$. I claim that we can always extend $S$ and $T$ to their spans. For example, for any $x,x' \in S$ and $y,y' \in T$, their sums are also orthogonal:
\[(x+x')\cdot(y+y') = x\cdot y+x\cdot y'+x'\cdot y+x'\cdot y' \equiv 0 \pmod{2}.\]
Therefore, we might as well assume that $S$ and $T$ are orthogonal subspaces of $\F_2^n$. But then $\dim(S) + \dim(T) \leq \dim(\F_2^n) = n$, and
|S \times T| = |S| \cdot |T| = 2^{\dim(S)} \cdot 2^{\dim(T)} \leq 2^n.
The rank method
In the equality and Hamming weight examples, the number of monochromatic rectangles needed matched the rank of the matrix exactly. Can we hope a general connection?
Yes, at least in one direction! If the black part of $M_f$ can be partitioned into $m$ rectangles, then it can also be obtained as the sum $M_f = R_1 + \cdots R_m$ of the “characteristic matrices” of those rectangles ($R_i$ is $1$ in the $i\nth$ rectangle and $0$ elsewhere).
For any two matrices $A$ and $B$, $\rank(A+B) \leq \rank(A) + \rank(B)$, and the matrices $R_i$ all clearly have rank $1$, so $\rank(M_f) \leq m$. This shows that $D(f) \geq \log\rank(M_f)$.
The log-rank conjecture
An approximate converse might exist: the log-rank conjecture posits that $D(f) \leq \poly(\log\rank(M_f))$.
- The best known upper bound is $D(f) \leq \tilde{O}\p{\sqrt{\rank(M_f)}}$.
- There is some $f$ for which $D(f) \geq \tilde\Omega\p{(\log\rank(M_f))^2}$.