% Environments
\newcommand{\al}[1]{\begin{align}#1\end{align}} % need this for \tag{} to work
\renewcommand{\r}{\mathrm} % BAD!! does cursed things with accents :((
% Delimiters
% (I needed to create my own because the MathJax version of \DeclarePairedDelimiter doesn't have \mathopen{} and that messes up the spacing)
% .. one-part
\newcommand{\p}[1]{\mathopen{}\left( #1 \right)}
\renewcommand{\b}[1]{\mathopen{}\left[ #1 \right]}
\newcommand{\set}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\{ #1 \right\}}
\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lvert #1 \right\rvert}
\newcommand{\floor}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lfloor #1 \right\rfloor}
\newcommand{\ceil}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lceil #1 \right\rceil}
\newcommand{\inner}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lVert #1 \strut \right\rVert}
\newcommand{\mix}[1]{\mathopen{}\left\lfloor #1 \right\rceil}
%% .. two-part
\newcommand{\inco}[2]{#1 \mathop{}\middle|\mathop{} #2}
\newcommand{\co}[2]{ {\left.\inco{#1}{#2}\right.}}
\newcommand{\cond}{\co} % deprecated
\newcommand{\at}[2]{ {\left.#1\strut\right|_{#2}}}
\newcommand{\para}[2]{#1\strut \mathop{}\middle\|\mathop{} #2}
% Greek
% the following cause issues with real LaTeX tho :/ maybe consider naming it \fhi instead?
\let\fi\phi % because it looks like an f
\let\phi\varphi % because it looks like a p
% Miscellaneous
% .. operators
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\thinspace min}
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\thinspace max}
% .. functions
% .. analysis
\newcommand{\df}[2]{ {\f{\d #1}{\d #2}}}
\newcommand{\ds}[2]{ {\sl{\d #1}{\d #2}}}
\newcommand{\ddf}[3]{ {\f{\dd{#1} #2}{\p{\d #3}^{#1}}}}
\newcommand{\dds}[3]{ {\sl{\dd{#1} #2}{\p{\d #3}^{#1}}}}
\newcommand{\partf}[2]{\f{\part #1}{\part #2}}
\newcommand{\parts}[2]{\sl{\part #1}{\part #2}}
% .. sets
\newcommand{\Rge}{\R_{\ge 0}}
\newcommand{\Rgt}{\R_{> 0}}
\newcommand{\pmo}{\set{\pm 1}}
\newcommand{\zpmo}{\set{0,\pm 1}}
% .... set operations
\newcommand{\inc}[1]{\union \set{#1}} % "including"
\newcommand{\exc}[1]{\setminus \set{#1}} % "except"
% .. over and under
\newcommand{\tld}{\widetilde} % deprecated
\newcommand{\HAT}{\widehat} % deprecated
\newcommand{\rt}[1]{ {\sqrt{#1}}}
% .... two-part
\renewcommand{\sl}[2]{#1 /\mathopen{}#2}
% .. arrows
% .. operators and relations
\newcommand{\OX}[1]{^{\ox #1}}
% .. punctuation and spacing
% Levels of closeness
% .. vanilla versions (is it within a constant?)
% .. dotted versions (is it equal in the limit?)
% .. log versions (is it equal up to log?)
% Logic and bit operations
\DeclareMathOperator{\1}{\mathbb{1}} % use \mathbbm instead if using real LaTeX
% Linear algebra
\newcommand{\spn}{\mathrm{span}} % do NOT use \span because it causes misery with amsmath
% .. named tensors
\newcommand{\namedtensorstrut}{\vphantom{fg}} % milder than \mathstrut
\newcommand{\name}[1]{\mathsf{\namedtensorstrut #1}}
\newcommand{\nbin}[2]{\mathbin{\underset{\substack{#1}}{\namedtensorstrut #2}}}
% Probability
% .. operators
% ... information theory
% .. other divergences
% Complexity classes
% .. keywords
% .. classical
% .. probabilistic
% .. circuits
% .. resources
% .. custom
% Boolean analysis
% \newcommand{\Exp}[1]{\operatorname{E}_{#1}\mathopen{}}
\DeclareMathOperator{\CDT}{\mathrm{CDT}} % canonical
\DeclareMathOperator{\PDT}{\mathrm{PDT}} % partial decision tree
% .. functions (small caps sadly doesn't work)
% Dynamic optimality
% Alignment
% In "text"
% remove these last two if using real LaTeX
% Fonts
% .. bold
% .. calligraphic
% .. typewriter
There is a surprising variety of simple ways to prove that numbers are irrational.
By prime factorization
Suppose $n \in \N$ is not a perfect square, how do you show $\sqrt{n}$ is irrational?
Suppose $\sqrt{n} = \frac{a}{b}$ for naturals $a,b$, then we have $n = \frac{a^2}{b^2}$. That is, $b^2$ divides $a^2$, so any prime must divide $a^2$ at least as many times as $b^2$. This must also be the case for $a$ and $b$, so $b$ divides $a$. But then $n$ is the square of integer $\frac{a}{b}$.
By infinite descent
Again, suppose $n \in \N$ is not a perfect square, then $k < \sqrt{n} < k+1$ for some integer $k$.
Suppose $\sqrt{n} = \frac{a}{b}$ for naturals $a,b$. Then we can also express it as the following integer fraction
\frac{a\p{\frac{a}{b}-k}}{b\p{\frac{a}{b}-k}} = \frac{b\p{\frac{a}{b}}^2-ak}{a-bk} = \frac{bn-ak}{a-bk}
But $0<\frac{a}{b}-k < 1$, so this makes the numerator and denominator smaller than before! We could keep doing this forever, which is impossible.
By series
Sometimes, irrationality can be clear if you write the number as a series.
We can write Euler’s constant as the series
\[e = \frac{1}{0!} + \frac{1}{1!} + \frac{1}{2!} + \frac{1}{3!} + \cdots.\]
Suppose $e = \frac{a}{b}$ for naturals $a,b$. This would imply that $b! \cdot e$ is an integer. But that clearly cannot be:
b!\cdot e = \underbrace{\frac{b!}{0!} + \frac{b!}{1!} + \frac{b!}{2!} + \cdots + \frac{b!}{b!}}_\text{clearly an integer} + \underbrace{b! \p{\frac{1}{(b+1)!} + \frac{1}{(b+2)!} + \cdots}}_\text{clearly $<1$}.
TODO: add some cute proof that $\pi$ is irrational.